Art and Science live at FKV
Participate in a scientific study!
12.02.2022 — 13.02.2022
Art triggers a wide range of emotions in people. These emotions are associated with physical sensations in different parts of the body and subjective feelings.
At the Frankfurter Kunstverein you can become part of the scientific study conducted by the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen and the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen. In the study, your emotions and physical reactions triggered by art will be recorded.
We invite you to wear a smartwatch provided by us during your visit to the exhibition The Intelligence of Plants, which will anonymously record your heartbeat and movements. You will have the opportunity to fill in a questionnaire about your reactions to selected artworks in the exhibition.
The team of scientists will be on site on both days and will be happy to answer any further questions you may have. Join us and let us measure your physical, emotional and cognitive reactions to artworks in the exhibition The Intelligence of Plants!
We hope to have as many participants as possible and would appreciate it if you could register in advance by sending an email to
The 2G-Plus rule applies to admission. You can visit the Frankfurter Kunstverein if you meet one of the following requirements:
– Double vaccinated and tested
– Recovered and tested
– Triple vaccinated (boostered)
– Recovered and double vaccinated
– Double vaccinated and recovered
– Vaccinated, recovered, vaccinated
– Freshly double vaccinated (max. 3 months from the day of the second vaccination)
– Freshly recovered (max. 3 months from the day of the positive PCR test)
– Recovered + freshly vaccinated once (max. 3 months from the day of vaccination)
Please have all necessary documents ready (proof of vaccination or recovery, your identity card, if necessary a daily negative test).
– Children under 6 years of age (no need for testing).
– Under 18 years and persons who cannot be vaccinated: with a daily negative test or test booklet
– Double vaccinated or recovered pupils: with one negative test per week in the test booklet.
Please note: During holidays, pupils need a daily negative test, during school time the test booklet is sufficient.
Wearing a protective medical mask is obligatory.