Media Response to “Perception is Reality”

„Perception is Reality im Frankfurter Kunstverein […], gehört zu den anregendsten (und den Ausstellungsbegriff am energischsten erweiternden) Ausstellungen des vergangenen Jahres.“
Niklas Maak, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

„This brilliant and at times frightening exhibition offers multifaceted insight into virtual reality as praxis.“
Travis Jeppesen, Artforum

“Virtuality meets reality – which world is going to win the race?”
Ricarda von Bergen, ARTE Metropolis

„This exhibition impressionably demonstrates, how Virtual Reality can broaden the experience of art. […] My mind knows perfectly well that this is not real – but my knees, my stomach and my instincts tell a whole different story.”
Sonja Fouraté, hessenschau

“The exhibition at Frankfurter Kunstverein is genious, because it lets its visitors experience first-hand, what Virtual Reality can do to us and what this entails for our personal lives.”
Juliane Hipp, Hauptsache Kultur

“This exhibition comes at the right time and asks the right questions.”
Tanja Küchle, hr2 Frühkritik

“Perception is Reality is the title of a grandiose exhibition, investigating the mental and emotional consequences of artificial realities, which encounter us on a regular basis and which in future may become a central aspect of our everyday-life.”
Sandra Danicke, „Der Instinkt ist stärker als das Wissen“, Frankfurter Rundschau

“One rarely finds exhibition visitors as moved, involved and carried away.”
Eugen El, „Störgeräusche aus einer fernen Welt“, Schirn Magazin

“This exhibition raises your adrenaline levels.”
Focus Online

“The exhibition curated by Franziska Nori is characterized by its intelligent combination of a generation of young media artists and established positions such as Demand, Op de Beeck and Kwade.”
Maria Männig, „Diorama Forever“, ART[in]CRISIS

“It is the interaction that makes this entertaining show particularly attractive.”
Michael Hierholzer, „Komm auf die Schaukel, Besucher“, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

“For the new exhibition at the Kunstverein, director Franziska Nori was brave enough to venture across art’s usual boundaries. […] Nori bursts open the traditional concept of art, only to come back to it in an intelligent manner: for instance, when she contrasts the virtual swinging fantasy-landscape by Christin Marczinzik and Thi Binh Minh Nguyen, which leads visitors to a pink, magic dreamscape, with a “real” but somehow incredibly unreal space, created by artist Hans Op de Beeck.”
Dierk Wolters, „Wirklicher als die Wirklichkeit“, Frankfurter Neue Presse