Sven Johne, “Sunset”, 2010
34 x 49,5 cm
Edition 25
350€ (incl. VAT plus shipping costs)
Exlusively for members
Sven Johne’s approach of conceptual photography is reflected in the edition “Sunset” he has produced on the occasion of his exhibition at the Frankfurter Kunstverein. An offset print of his exhibition at the Frankfurter Kunstverein. An offset print produced manually, hte image shows a setting sun bathed in glistening light. The romantically charged imgae is disrupted by visible radio and radar masts and the unobtrusive line of text printed on the photograph: Lamepedusa Island, Mediterranean Sea, 125 kilometres from Africa, 220 to Europe, August 21st, 2009, 8:10 pm. Johne does not present us with a classic vacation photograph of a well-known Italian vacation paradise, but a pipcture of the “fortress of Europe”, which on AUgust 21 only 5 of presumably 73 refugees from Eritrea managed to reach alive.