Kultur-Lounge: Art in your world


Don’t ask what you can do for art, but what art can do for you.

The Kultur-Lounge invited to an evening that will whisk us away and captivate us, lure and toy with us. It addressed questions that concern us all: How does art affect us? What kind of art appeals to me, or to you? How have we learned what appeals to us and what doesn’t? We beared witness to an approximation in the form of dialog and poetry by the two artists Suzanne Lisa Cadiou and Judith Shu Ritter. As always at the Kultur-Lounge, attendees were invited to participate in the dialog. The artists have developed their dialog with those present and using whatever was available to them, making for a spontaneous, poetic and surprising evening for everyone involved.

The evening has been hosted by Dr. Friederike von Franqué.

An event organized by Kuratorium Kulturelles Frankfurt in cooperation with Frankfurter Kunstverein.