Opening: Festival der jungen Talente 2016
The Frankfurter Kunstverein will be hosting the 8th Festival der jungen Talente. One of FdjT’s aims is to facilitate collaboration between students working across arts disciplines by supporting the production of new works.
Founded in 2000 by the Verein für Kunstförderung Rhein-Main e.V., FdjT is a cooperation between six institutions: HfG Offenbach; HfMDK Frankfurt; Hessische Theaterakademie; ATW Institute at Justus Liebig University Gießen; Städelschule Frankfurt and Dramaturgie Master at the Goethe University Frankfurt.
Members of the jury are Franziska Nori (Director Frankfurter Kunstverein), Prof. Heiner Blum (HfG Offenbach), Prof. Orm Finnendahl (HfMDK), Dr. Stefanie Heraeus (Curatorial Studies), Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Müller-Schöll (Dramaturgie), Prof. Philippe Pirotte (Städelschule), Dr. Philipp Schulte (Hessische Theaterakademie) und Katharina Stephan (Institute for Applied Theatre Studies).
More information on Facebook or the FdjT website.