Ouverture of the accompanying program
Helmut Nehrbaß (Deputy Director of Culture of the city of Wiesbaden)
Introduction into the exhibition
Lilian Engelmann (Frankfurter Kunstverein)
Elke Gruhn (Nassauischer Kunstverein Wiesbaden)
“Warum es ein Außen braucht” (Why we need an outside) by Kristallo (Jonathan Penca, Charlotte Simon, Zink Tonsur)
The extraterrestrial super-organism called Kristallo, a utopian sphere created in 2012 by the artist collective of Jonathan Penca, Charlotte Simon and Zink Tonsur, has a firm place in an age when ideas of how we should live are constantly changing. Genderless entities lead an esoteric existence in this sphere.
The performance “Kristallo – Warum es ein Außen braucht” (Why we need an outside, 2014) is a continuation of its story. It tells the tale of a reality in the dancing cosmos, emphasizing the importance of discovery and experience off-world. Here it becomes necessary to send astronauts into outer space on a mission to collecting information and experiences and feeding them into the collective network. This ensures the continued existence of Kristallo. The three spatially separated actors communicate purely by means of electronically generated sounds, musical instruments and sung texts. Their relationship with one another and with the astronauts living “outside” is symbiotic.
“No Man is an Island” by Vytautas Jurevicius
Made up out of multiple parts, this performance by Lithuanian artist Vytautas Jurevicius consists of a series of interventions. Central to these is the interaction between people from a variety of backgrounds and the blurring of reality with the staging of the performance. The work thematises rituals of human interaction. The performance took place at both Kunstverein locations and, by means of small spatial changes, invited the viewer to analyse their own patterns of perceptions.
“Underbelly Live” by Andrew de Freitas
A key component of the installation “Underbelly” is a non-narrative, strongly atmospheric film. Settings for the film are empty apartments, abandoned houses or autumnal landscapes featuring people in unclarified relationships with one another. The film installation “Underbelly” presented in the exhibition is rounded out here by a performance with musicians, additional actors and fireworks.
Venue: Nassauischer Kunstverein Wiesbaden