BOOKED OUT Workshop for school classes: Spaced out
28.01.2025, 11:00
The workshop is booked out.
About Distortions in Spacetime by Marshmallow Laser Feast
For secondary school students (grades 7-10)
with Maria Pfeffer and Lea Beckmann
Duration: 1 hour
The breathtaking interactive audiovisual installation Distortions in Spacetime consists of a mirrored room in which people can experience the marvellous spectacle of cosmic events. The artist collective Marshmallow Laser Feast collaborates with natural scientists to create experiences that allow visitors to get up close and personal with astronomical events that would otherwise take place in the depths of space. We humans have always gazed into the infinite expanse of the starry sky at night. From this, mankind has always developed scientific knowledge – astronomy, navigation by celestial directions. On the other hand, the starry sky has always been a place of myths and stories. Different cultures have created a multitude of stories and images – animals, signs and symbols. This shows that it is an essential need for us humans to create meanings and narrate them in images.
Looking at the stars often creates an experience of awe in us humans, because we have the feeling of great vastness and the impression of being very small in it. The challenge and aim of the workshop is to talk to young people about this essential experience and at the same time to teach them about the cosmos, stars and gravity and to inspire them with enthusiasm for the fundamentals of matter and space-time.
In this workshop, we will leave the earth to explore the big questions of our existence. Using film footage and inventing their own travel stories, the group will reflect on ideas about the universe and their own place in it. In addition, the Frankfurter Kunstverein will provide an iPad with the ‘Sky View’ application, with which the group can look up into the sky to view celestial objects, stars and constellations in real time.
Please note that the workshop will take place in German.
About the workshop series for school classes in the exhibition The Presence of Absence in cooperation with the Institute for Art Education at Justus Liebig University Giessen
The workshops for children and young people are organised in cooperation with the Institute for Art Education at Justus Liebig University Giessen. Under the direction of Tobias Becker, the students of his project seminar offer a rich programme specially developed for the Frankfurter Kunstverein.
The starting point will be individual works of art or exhibition objects from the fields of art, natural history and archaeology. The workshop leaders will familiarise your class with various materials and techniques that illustrate the themes of the exhibition. Through the practical use of materials such as clay, plaster, soot, but also stargazing apps, children and young people are introduced to numerous topics through vivid sensory impressions, through feeling and touching.
The workshops are about learning to read traces and to perceive them as the starting point for imagination and stories, but also for logical reasoning. In the workshops, the students will also creatively design signs and traces themselves in order to experience and reflect on the world that surrounds us.
Our motto is to know the past in order to imagine the future and thus positively change the present.
Further information here.