Gemeinsam in die Zukunft
10.07.2009 — 04.10.2009
Opening: July 9, 2009, 7 pm
From July 10 to October 4, 2009, the group exhibition “Gemeinsam in die Zukunft” at the Frankfurter Kunstverein has been dedicated to artistic investigation of the relationship between society and community, between being governed and being autonomous. The initial starting point for the exhibition was the year of super election 2009. Accompanied by the 60th anniversary of the Federal Republic of Germany and the 20th year of the German reunification, it has reached a political climax with the Bundestag elections in September. This political mega event has govern the public sphere with provocative slogans and statements. The title “Gemeinsam in die Zukunft” (transl. “Together into the Future”) refered to a saying from the time of the German reunification and alludes to the abstraction of political areas of development into generic slogans on value.
The exhibition presented artistic positions that dealed with suggestive appeals for group experiences and participation via various media such as video, installation or photographs –of the majority or of rebelling minorities. The works have shown aesthetics of power and incantation and contrasted the rhetorics of inclusion with social realities of exclusion. The focus was the artistic description and revision of the relationship between the collective and the individual, between claimed and perceived community.
Participating Artists: Martin Conrath & Marion Kreißler, Ulrich Diekmann & Christian Appelt, Rabea Eipperle, Petra Gerschner, Rudolf Herz, Johanna Kandl, Bjørn Melhus, REINIGUNGSGESELLSCHAFT, Michaela Schweiger, Michael Trippel, Catrine & Olaf Val, Effie Wu, Florian Zeyfang
Kurator: Holger Kube Ventura