Tag: 3D Animation

Max Planck Institute of Animation Behavior, Department of Migration

Headed by Prof. Dr. Martin Wikelski and team ICARUS (Uschi Müller & team) Schäuffelhut & Berger GmbH, Movebank Babette Eid & team, MPIAB, MaxCine couchbits GmbH, Michael Quetting, MPIAB, Movebank Museum and AnimalTracker Dr. Kamran Safi, Dr. Andrea Kölzsch, Dr. Anne Scharf, MPIAB, MoveApps Carla Avolio, MPIAB, Press and Outreach Movebank Two videos, 3D animations

Nassim L’Ghoul

Zwei Schritte vor, ein Schritt zurück, 2023 Three-channel-video installation 3D animation and machine learning algorythms 05:44 min Sound Phil Hoffart Courtesy the artist Nassim L’Ghoul works with 3D animation to generate digital images that he creates individually for his films. L’Ghoul has produced a new three-channel work for the Frankfurter Kunstverein. His moving images unfold