Tag: Katrin Böhning-Gaese

Bending the Curve – an introduction by Franziska Nori (Co-Creation Art)

Bending the Curve – Knowing, Acting, Caring for Biodiversity Co-Kreation Kunst: Franziska Nori WHY CO-CREATIONS? Bending the Curve is the latest in a series of exhibitions (Trees of Life – Stories for a Damaged Planet 2019/2020, The Intelligence of Plants 2021/2022) in which the Frankfurt Kunstverein collaborates with international natural science research institutes and contemporary

Bending the Curve – An introduction by Katrin Böhning-Gaese (Co-Creation Science)

Bending the Curve: How to Achieve a Turnaround in Conservation? Co-Creation Science: Katrin Böhning-Gaese Franziska Nori and I met at a workshop on the New Senckenberg Natural History Museum in early 2019. Franziska deeply impressed me with her speech. She said “art can open up new perspectives” and ideally “creates ‘sublime moments’ that have transformative