Opening “Three Doors”

02.06.2022, 19:00

We cordially invite you and your friends to the opening of the exhibition Three Doors – Forensic Architecture/Forensis, Initiative 19. Februar Hanau, Initiative in Gedenken an Oury Jalloh.

Thursday, 2 June 2022, 7 pm


In memory of the nine victims of the 19 February 2020 racist terror attack,

Ferhat Unvar
Hamza Kurtović
Said Nesar Hashemi
Vili-Viorel Păun
Mercedes Kierpacz
Kaloyan Velkov
Fatih Saraçoğlu
Sedat Gürbüz
Gökhan Gültekin

in memory of
Oury Jalloh

and in memory of all victims of racist violence.


Speaking at the opening:

Tahera Ameer
Program Director Board Amadeu Antonio Stiftung

Initiative 19. Februar Hanau

Mouctar Bah
Founder Initiative in Gedenken an Oury Jalloh

Dr. Julia Cloot
Deputy Managing Director Kulturfonds Frankfurt RheinMain

Prof. Franziska Nori
Director Frankfurter Kunstverein

The opening ceremony will take place in the outdoor area of the Frankfurter Kunstverein in front of the entrance “Hinter dem Lämmchen”.