Deleuze (wieder) Sehen: 1996 – 2015
From November 6 until 15, a series of films and lectures by HfG Offenbach have been shown 20 films in 10 different cinemas and cultural institutions, which – it is assumed – Gilles Deleuze, who died on November 4, 1995 would have enjoyed watching. Deleuze formulated a canonical theory of cinematography: „Cinema I: The Movement-Image“ (1983/95) and „Cinema II: The Time-Image“ (1985/1991), and countless other texts by him have influenced film analyses and had a crucial effect on today’s idea of cinema. The two films shown each evening are taken from chronologically linked years. The intermission has been filled with a lecture on one of those films.
The films shown at Frankfurter Kunstverein represented the years 2004 and 2005.
6 pm: “Shaun of the Dead”, Edgar Wright (UK 2004, 99′, OmU)
Finally, the cinema has made zombies into what they have always been: Finally they are everywhere, everyday, randomly differentiated mass articles, quite uncool, a trend that died without even noticing it, despised by the hip living. Finally zombies make sense. Sense is an atopic sensation, one that separates names from bodies and the people from itself. Reason enough, to 1) find and frisk a founding film of this rotten wave; 2) entangle their dim-witted film-thinking into the unconscious reasoning of Gilles Deleuze & vice versa; 3) unravel, how much Gilles and Shaun (also considering the following films “Hot Fuzz” and “The World’s End”) are intertwined already. This accounts for a literal perception of neo-liberal control, site competition, memories of debt and guilt as well as the People’s Police, under the banner of nonsense-logic and Crowd-Unding, which is founding societies and assorting record collections (first rate, then toss). (Drehli Robnik)
8 pm: Lecture by Drehli Robnik: “Shaun off the Debt: Crowd-Unding, Kontrollmacht, Affektlogik des Nonsense”
Drehli Robnik ist theorist in the fields of film and politics, author and co-editor of publications on Rancière, Kracauer, Stauffenberg and Cronenberg; most recently: “Kontrollhorrorkino: Gegenwartsfilme zum prekären Regieren” (2015).
9 pm: “Caché”, Michael Haneke (AT/DE/FR/IT 2005, 117’)
In the beginning irritating video recordings, the surveillance of a middle-class married couple, are sent to them anonymously. The images, shots of control and film, start to compete: which picture shows ‘more’? The narrative notably shifts into historical time; somewhere in the past political reasons can be found for the images of the present. A highly concentrated study on guilt and recurrence.
Admission: 6€
For both films: 10€
Students: 5€
More information on the complete programme here