The narrative of the lone perpetrator. 7:30 pm
29.06.2022, 19:30
Second part of panel discussion “Hanau, right-wing terrorism and the media”.
Dr. Cihan Sinanoğlu, Director Nationaler Discrimination and Racism Monitor (NaDiRa)
Jorinde Schulz, Initiative “Kein Generalverdacht”
Bafta Sarbo, Social Scientist and publisher
Moderator: Dr. Onur Suzan Nobrega
On the night of the attack in Hanau, some media quickly speculated about a “milieu crime”, as one of the crime scenes was a “shisha bar”. The perpetrator had deliberately chosen it as the site of the attack because of its migrant audience, but in the media Shisha Bars are often linked to so-called “clan crime”. To what extent does such reporting support racist categories? What role does the media – traditional and social – play in the radicalisation of right-wing terrorists? Does the narrative of the “isolated case” of right-wing terror obscure the structural roots of radicalisation?
The event takes place in the context of the exhibition Three Doors – Forensic Architecture/Forensis, Initiative 19. Februar Hanau, Initiative in Gedenken an Oury Jalloh and is part of the Forum kollektiver Wahrheitsfindung.
Pre-registration via email to post(at) The event is free of charge and takes place in German.