Tag: kunst

Toni R. Toivonen

Gutting a Rotten Horse Generated The Most Horrific Migraine With The Most Beautiful Aura Upside Down Into a Landscape, 2024 Brass and original substance from a dead animal 500 x 250 cm Co-produced by Frankfurter Kunstverein Courtesy Toni R. Toivonen and Galerie Forsblom The Rivers and Streams of a Dissolved Mind, 2024 Brass and original

The Presence of Absence
An introduction by Franziska Nori

With the exhibition The Presence of Absence, the Frankfurter Kunstverein is continuing its collaboration with the Senckenberg Society for Nature Research for the fourth time. Following Trees of Life (2019), Edmond’s Prehistoric Realm (2020) and Bending the Curve (2023), this exhibition emerges as a joint exploration of fundamental human questions through the lenses of art

MYRIAD. Where we connect.

MYRIAD. Where we connect. is a project of Interactive Media Foundation and Filmtank, in co-creation with Miiqo Studios, Context Film and Artificial Rome MYRIAD. Installation, 2023 Fourteen modules, five seating blocks, two seating benches made of wood, Resysta, Ytong, coated with coloured concrete Various sizes Interactive projection mapping on three carbon modules, floor projection, reactive

Up Next, 2023

Video installation, raised floor like in data centers 24:04 min Courtesy the artists and Apalazzo Gallery The Frankfurter Kunstverein is premiering Eva & Franco Mattes’ new video work, Up Next. This piece takes as its subject the fate of Fatemeh Khishvand (*2001, Tehran, Iran), who became known as Sahar Tabar on Instagram. Her story turned

Abuse Standards Violations, 2016, 2018, 2021

Wall mounted Plexiglas panels with content moderation guidelines UV print on plexiglass, various insulation materials, spacers, screws 100 x 100 cm / 150 x 100 cm Courtesy the artists and Apalazzo Gallery The presentation of The Bots is added to by the nine-part work Abuse Standards Violations, which marks the beginning of Eva and Franco

The Bots, 2020

Video installation Actors and actresses: Irina Cocimarov, Jesse Hoffman, Jake Levy, Alexandra Marzella, Ruby McCollister, Bobbi Salvör Menuez Six customised OKA desks, monitors, videos, headphones, cables Dimensions and length variable Courtesy the artists and Apalazzo Gallery For The Bots, Eva & Franco Mattes collaborated with investigative journalist Adrian Chen and actors and actresses Irina Cocimarov,

BEFNOED, 2013 (ongoing)

Video installation Five videos, monitors, customized wall brackets, cables Dimensions and duration variable Courtesy the artists and Apalazzo Gallery BEFNOED is the title of an ongoing series of videos that Eva & Franco Mattes have been producing since 2013. These short films are published online, on obscure, peripheral or forgotten social networks around the world,