Tag: Your body is a battleground

Abstract by Natascha Strobl

Radicalised Conservatism The book and the lecture “Radicalised Conservatism – An Analysis” focus on a development of contemporary conservatism in political parties. This strand of conservatism is developing into a definable and thus new phenomenon. It occupies an intermediate stage between state-supporting post-war conservatism and the established, popular extreme right. It draws its dynamic from

Abstract by Prof. Dr. Ilse Lenz

Antifeminism and antigenderism are not just a short-term phenomenon, but are about the future of gender in the current modernisation in Europe. Ultra-religious and far-right antifeminism wants to limit or abolish freedom and self-determination in sexuality and childbearing. In combination with racism, it is particularly successful in shifting problems such as unemployment or violence onto

Abstract by Prof. Dr. Kristina Stoeckl

As part of the panel-session , the talk of Kristina Stoeckl will focus on moral conservative strategies to redefine rights pertaining to the sphere of family and education. On the basis of findings about networks between Russian Orthodox and American Christian Right grassroots organizations (NGOs), she will argue that moral conservative interactions across denominations and

Abstract by Prof. Dr. Sarah Speck

Gender and family have always been important pillars in the normative ideas of radical conservatism. In recent years, gender issues have played a major role in public debate. For conservatives and the extreme right in particular, they have been of central importance. My commentary explores the reasons for this development. In order to understand why

Abstract by Dr. Massimo Prearo

During the summer of 2013, on the occasion of the parliamentary discussion of 3 bills, respectively on the recognition of same-sex civil unions, on gender education, and the fight against homophobia and transphobia, a new group with a French name, has raised in the streets of Rome, before spreading throughout Italy: La Manif Pour Tous

Abstract by Eszter Kováts

In recent years sexual and reproductive health and rights and the concept of “gender” itself have become political battlegrounds all over Europe and on EU level too. Most researchers analyze the supply side factors of the phenomenon: ideology, political and discursive strategies, alliances and funding of the mobilizing actors, be it conservative social movements or

Abstract by Prof. Dr. Elżbieta Korolczuk

What’s (anti)gender has to do with populism? The Polish case and beyond In recent years patriarchal gender norms and ideologies have become an integral part of the right-wing populist parties programs. Right-wing leaders, including Jarosław Kaczyński, Victor Orban, Jair Bolsonaro and Matteo Salvini have invested in creating their image as defenders of traditional family and

Abstract by Dr. Katharina Hajek

Although often overlooked in public discourse, gender, gender relations and sexuality play a central role in right-wing populist party politics and mobilizations. For Germany, this is particularly evident with regard to two events from recent years: on the one hand the demonstrations called ‘Demo für Alle’ (Demonstration for all) organized in several major German cities

Abstract by Judith Goetz

While topics such as sexual violence have been overused by the extreme right in recent years, many left groups neglected the same issues or reduced their analyses to exposing the extreme right rhetoric as racism. In particular, debates about ,legitimate‘ criticism of Islam or the handling of the instrumentalization of „gender politics” by the extreme

Abstract by Prof. Dr. Nancy Fraser

Our Bodies, Our Politics: Against The Ultra-Conservatives–and Their Liberal Enablers The conservative backlash against women is real and scary. But effective opposition requires a critical view of the larger political constellation that has precipitated it. In this lecture, I interpret the present anti-feminist backlash as a response to four decades of “progressive-neoliberal” hegemony–and to the

Thinking emancipation – Introduction by Prof. Dr. Rainer Forst

Social struggles for emancipation are fought not least in the space of reasons. Indeed, it is only when notions about the “nature” of people that condemn certain groups to second- or third-class status change that societies can begin to transform. Patriarchy begins to shake when the justificatory narratives that, whether religiously or otherwise based, simultaneously

Abstract by Prof. Dr. Paul Blokker

The conservative assault on liberal-constitutional democracy The emergence of liberal democracies in Central and Eastern Europe after 1989 has been a process frequently including profound conflicts and even veritable “cultural wars” over the definition of national identity, democratic values, and human rights. The construction of constitutional democracy has remained conflictual and contested during the entire

Abstract by Prof. Dr. Thomas Biebricher

Moderate and Radical Conservatism – A Meaningful Distinction? Pinning down the specific meaning of conservatism has proven to be a daunting over the last two hundred years, not only for political theorists but also for those actors in politics who either claim or reject this label emphatically. Lately, one of the most heated debates around

Forum May 2021

Two day forum Your body is a battleground  –  ultra-conservative strategies to restore a “natural order” Organizing institutions: Frankfurter Kunstverein + Normative Orders of Goethe University Frankfurt am Main Location: Frankfurter Kunstverein, Markt 44, 60311 Frankfurt (additional online access) Curator: Asia Leofreddi The Forum takes place under the patronage of the Department of Culture of